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Автор темы: Dare2think
ID темы: 2090
Тема содержит 1 сообщения, была просмотрена 3975 раз.
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Error with Metro theme
Hi ag
I am not sure if this is what is creating my error or not at my site...
I love that theme i refuse to use any other theme - the theme is simply GREAT!

However i do have a problem! I can't navigate on the site and one of the issues are (i think) that my site and database keeps on putting an extra / at the end of everything.
Plus i asked at the Danish support site, who said it was an error.
I did try and remove it from the database, but it didnt work, so i think the error is another place....
In the themes login file it say this in line 24
if (!preg_match('/login.php/i',FUSION_SELF)) {

But removing the / at the end of /login.php/ didnt really work?
So i am asking if it is suppose to look like that in the file?

I can navigate to the forum and links... but i cannot go to admin, and if i do go to forum or anyother place, i get kicked out...

So basically i am trying to figure out what is creating my error not being able to navigate through my site, and for now this is my best bet.

Thanks in advance.
Happy Thoughts From Dare2think

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